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How to Get Rid of Genital Warts: Top 18 Home Remedies

How to Get Rid of Genital Warts: Top 18 Home Remedies
How to Get Rid of Genital Warts: Top 18 Home Remedies

You must have noticed certain growths on your genital skin or around anus and after researching about such condition, you now know that they are genital warts- the flesh colored, soft bumps on the skin that look like a cauliflower’s surface. You should know that these genital warts are caused by certain types of human papilloma virus (HPV). They mostly grow in multiple places, sometimes in clusters. Although genital warts are generally painless, they may itch. If you have visited your doctor for the treatment of your genital warts in your vagina or vulva, cervix, penis, anus, or urethra, they might have suggested certain treatments like cryotherapy which removes warts by freezing, electrocauterization where they are burned, surgery or laser. These treatments will remove your genital warts but would not ensure their non-recurrence. Here comes the home remedies for genital warts that can permanently remove them. So, if you want to get rid of genital warts forever, you should give these home remedies a try.

Simple Remedies to Get Rid of Genital Warts

1. Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts Removal

Many scientific studies have approved of vinegar to be an effective treatment for warts. In fact, vinegar is also used to identify cervical cancer! It seems apt to inform you that cervical cancer is also caused by Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV), the same virus that causes genital warts. The invisible warts begin to appear when you place a cotton ball soaked in vinegar on your skin. Coming back to the healing potential of apple cider vinegar (ACV) for genital warts, it can be concluded that the acetic acid in it does the work. This acid is corrosive in nature and thus when it remains in contact with a skin area for longer, it kills the tissues there.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Remove Genital Warts?

  • Clean the skin having warts on it. Apply ACV on the warts with the help of a cotton swab, toothpick or a small brush. Leave it for about 10 minutes and then wipe of with a dry cloth. Do this thrice a day for at least a week. Within 2-3 days, you’ll see a change in the color of the warts that will turn to a scab within a week and fall off.
  • Sometimes, warts will not go with this mild treatment. In such cases, soak a cotton ball with AV by pouring a few drops and hold it against your warts with the vinegar touching the warts. Use a tape or bandage to hold the cotton ball in place. Leave it for the whole day or at least for 2-3 hours. Before going to bed, wash the area well wit water. Repeat this daily for 1-2 weeks.
  • If you are uncomfortable with ACV on your warts for whole day long, you may like to apply the vinegar and hold the cotton against it for 10-15 minutes at an interval of half to 1 hour throughout the day.

When you first apply apple cider vinegar to your warts, it may give you a stinging feel or a burning sensation.

2. Witch Hazel Remedy for Genital Warts Removal

Witch hazel is a fine herb to cure genital warts. The astringent nature of witch hazel makes it a perfect remedy for warts as it makes the undesirable tissues shrink and eventually fall off. Witch hazel inhibits the growth of genital warts by cutting off the blood supply to these tissues.

How to Use Witch Hazel to Remove Genital Warts?

  • Get pure distilled witch hazel. Although you can use witch hazel in form of gel or cream too, they take longer to cure your warts. Its better to get the liquid solution.
  • Apply this witch hazel on your warts.
  • Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Wipe off with a clean dry cloth to remove the excessive solution after 10 minutes.
  • Do this twice a day for 1-2 weeks. If your warts are stubborn, they may take some more time to go. Repeat the process until you get rid of your genital warts.

3. Castor Oil Remedy for Genital Warts Removal

Castor oil consists of multiple complex compounds some of which can get you rid of your genital warts. While you may have hated swallowing that teaspoonful of Castor oil that your mother insisted on, you would now thank this oil for removing your genital warts.

How to Use Castor Oil to Remove Genital Warts?

  • At night, before going to bed, apply a thin layer of Castor oil over your warts and the surrounding skin.
  • Take a clove of garlic and cut it into thin slice. Cover your oil treated wart with this slice of garlic. This is an optional step.
  • Hold the garlic clove against the wart with the the help of a tape or a bandage.
  • Leave for the whole night.
  • In the morning, remove the tape.
  • Repeat this for 2-3 weeks within which your warts will turn black and then fall off skin.

4. Use Pineapple Juice to Get Rid of Genital Warts

Pineapple has a very beneficial enzyme in it called bromelain. This is medically used for any inflammatory skin conditions including acne, dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. Pineapple juice helps you break down your genital warts. It is rich in manganese too which helps in avoiding scars that you may get after the warts are removed.

How to Use Pineapple Juice to Remove Genital Warts?

  • Take some fresh pineapple pieces and squeeze out juice from them. You need fresh pineapple and not canned ones.
  • Pour some pineapple juice on a cotton swab.
  • Place this swab on your warts with the juice touching them.
  • Let it be there for about 10 minutes. If needed, use tape to hold it in place.
  • After 10 minutes, wipe off the juice.

5. Tea Tree Oil Remedy for Genital Warts Removal

Tea tree oil has excellent antiseptic, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. When you use tea tree oil to get rid of genital warts, you save the surrounding skin too as it just target the warts and nothing else. However, this oil is so strong that it cannot be applied in pure form which may cause skin irritation. Therefore, you need to dilute this oil with a carrier oil before applying on your genital warts.

Remedies for warts

1st Way to Use Tea Tree Oil for Genital Warts

Get this:
• Tea tree oil- 4-5 drops
• Almond oil or Olive oil- 1 tbsp

Do this:
• Mix the tea tree oil with the carrier oil (almond or olive oil)
• Dab this oil mix several times a day on your genital warts.

2nd Way to Use Tea Tree Oil for Genital Warts

Get this:
• Tea Tree oil- 5-6 drops
• Bathtub filled with warm water

Do this:
• Pour a few drops of tea tree oil in your warm bath water.
• Then soak in this water for 15-20 minutes
• Repeat this twice or thrice a day.
• This will speed up the healing of your genital warts along with providing relief from itching associated with them.

6. Olive Leaf Extract and Tea for Genital Warts Removal

Olive leaf extract has been used for medicinal purpose in Ancient Egypt. A research has found that olive leaf contains strong anti-viral compound which can inhibit entire virus specific system in an infected body. An olive leaf can interfere with critical amino acid production for viruses that stops viral infection. As it can directly penetrate into the infected cells to stop viral replication, olive leaf extract can cure your genital warts effectively. While you can always take 250 to 500 mg of olive leaf extract 1-3 times a day to boost your immunity and antiviral activity, you can even make olive leaf tea and drink it to get all the benefits of the herb.

How to Make Olive Leaf Tea for Genital Warts?

Get this:
• Dried olive leaves- 1 tsp
• Hot water- 1 cup

Do this:
• You can get dried olive leaves in a herbal store or herbal tea store. You can even dry these leaves yourself. Olive leaves should be ideally oven-dried at just below 150 deg F. (65 deg C). When dried, crush the leaves after removing the stalks and store them in paper packets.
• Take 1 tsp of dried olive leaves and add the cup of hot water.
• Steep for 5-10 minutes.
• Strain and have this tea 2-3 times a day.

Take Precaution- Pregnant or nursing mothers should not take olive leaf extract. Consult your doctor before taking this herb as it can react to certain medications as it affects blood’s clotting ability.

7. Banana Peel Remedy for Genital Warts Removal

After eating the potassium rich banana, just don’t throw away its peel. Yes, banana peel can get you rid of your genital warts. These peels have enzymes that can dissolve warts safely.

How to Use Banana Peel to Remove Genital Warts?

• At night, before going to bed, cut a piece from the banana peel which is large enough to cover your warts.
• Place the inside of this banana peel piece against your wart. You would be able to see the yellow side of the banana peel.
• Secure this peel with the help of a tape or bandage.
• Leave it overnight.
• Remove in the morning.
• Repeat daily at night for about 2 weeks or till your warts change color and fall off your skin.

8. Fig Leaf Remedy for Genital Warts Removal

As simple a herb as a fig leaf can cure your genital warts without any mess and that too in a way that they never come back. The enzyme ‘Ficain’ in the milky sap of plant seems to do the wonder. You won’t even feel any burning or stinging when using fig leaf sap for genital warts.

How to Use Fig Leaf Sap to Remove Genital Warts?

• Get a fig leaf.
• Break it to extract its milky sap.
• Dab some of this fig leaf sap on your warts.
• You don’t need to do anything else.
• Repeat this 2-3 times a day.
• If this remedy works for you, your warts will completely disappear in 2 week’s time.

9. Milkweed Remedy for Genital Warts Removal

Milkweed which can be found easily in North America oozes out a milky sap from its stem. This milkweed sap, like fig leaf sap, is a safe and non-irritating traditional remedy for removal of genital warts. It stops the growth of the pathogen which causes genital warts.

How to Use Milkweed Sap to Remove Genital Warts?

• Take a fresh stem of the milkweed plant.
• Cut it or break it to get its milky sap.
• Apply this sap on your genital warts.
• Do this once or twice a day to get rid of genital warts.

10. Willow Tree Bark Remedy for Genital Warts Removal

Willow tree bark is the source of Salicylic acid which is medicinally used for aches and pains as well as for making anti-inflammatory drugs. Traditionally used for curing acne and joint as well as muscular pain and inflammation, willow bark can also get you rid of genital warts.

How to Use Willow Tree Bark to Remove Genital Warts?

• Take a piece of willow tree bark.
• You may like to scrape the bark to make it a little thinner so that you may comfortably place it on your warts. However, this is not essential at all.
• Now use some water to moisten the bark. When you provide moisture through water, the bark will become a little elastic type thing.
• Place this moist willow tree bark over your genital warts.
• Hold it in place with the help of a tape or a bandage.
• Leave it for the day.
• Change the bark everyday till you get rid of your genital warts. This may take 1-2 weeks.

11. Onion Juice Remedy for Genital Warts Removal

Onion is strongly anti-bacterial and anti-microbial in nature. Combined with salt, it can treat your genital warts. Salt too is anti-septic in nature and helps in speeding up the healing process. Onion juice treated with salt is one of the Ayurvedic remedies for genital warts that can completely remove them. However, it is a rather slow process and may take 1-2 months to cure the condition.

How to Use Onion Juice to Remove Genital Warts?

Get this:
• Onions- 2
• Salt- 1 tsp

Do this:
• At night cut the onions in slices.
• Sprinkle the salt over the onion slices, cover and leave it overnight.
• In the morning, mash the onions to get its paste.
• Now place the paste onto a sieve and press with the help of a spoon.
• This will give you the juice of salted onion.
• Apply this onion juice to your genital warts.
• Repeat this everyday till you get rid of genital warts.

12. Garlic Remedy for Genital Warts Removal

Garlic has excellent antiviral properties which makes it one of the top remedies for genital warts caused due to viral infection. You need to make a paste from garlic to use it for treating your warts.

How to Use Garlic to Remove Genital Warts?

• Take 8-10 peeled cloves of garlic.
• Crush them to get a fine paste of garlic.
• Apply this paste to your genital warts.
• Cover with a bandage.
• Leave for 1 hour.
• Now wash off with water.
• Repeat daily till you get rid of genital warts.

13. Thuja Herbal Remedy for Genital Warts Removal

There are two types of Thuja herbs of which Thuja occidentalis is used as a natural remedy for warts not only traditionally but by the Homeopathic medicine stream too. Thuja occidentalis, the evergreen coniferous tree is native to the northeast United States and southeast Canada and is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant. Since 19th century, Thuja has been externally applied as tincture or ointment for treatment of warts, ringworm and thrush.

How to Use Thuja to Remove Genital Warts?

• Apply thuja oil to your genital warts at least 3 times a day.
• This may take some time to cure your warts which may extend from 2 weeks to even three months.
• Thuja oil can be blended with other things to increase its efficiency.
• Men can mix thuja oil with olive oil and then apply it to their genital warts.
• Women may mix thuja oil with fresh thuja leaves tincture and then apply this to their genital warts.

14. Aloe Vera Remedy for Genital Warts Removal

The very skin friendly herb aloe vera is not only good for treating various medical conditions like psoriasis, diabetes, increased blood lipids and ulcerative colitis but also genital warts and herpes.

How to Use Aloe Vera to Remove Genital Warts?

• Take some aloe vera gel and rub onto your warts many a times during the day.
• At night, before going to sleep, apply a generous amount of aloe gel on your warts and cover with a bandage.
• Repeat for 2-3 weeks or till your warts are removed.

warts remedies

Grapeseed extract is a known immune booster due to its strong antioxidants granted by Vitamin C and E. It is a strong antimicrobial having excellent disinfectant properties.

How to Use Grapefruit Seed Extract to Remove Genital Warts?

• Pour 1 drop of grapefruit seed extract on your wart.
• If it is a small wart, use toothpick to apply a drop of this extract.
• Secure it with the help of a tape or bandage.
• Do this twice a day for 1-2 weeks.
• Your genital warts will become white in color and will fall off your skin within a week or two.

16. Oil Remedies for Genital Warts Removal

Apart from Castor oil, there are many other oils that are beneficial in treating genital warts. A list of such oils is given below. You may either use these oils directly on your genital warts or mix them with a carrier oil like olive or almond oil and then apply this blend too your warts.

List of Oils for Genital Warts Cure

• Oregano Oil
• Cashew nut oil
• Vitamin E oil
• Fish oil
• Wormwood oil
• Lemon oil
• Cod liver oil
• Sandalwood oil

17. Dandelion Herb Remedy for Genital Warts Removal

Dandelion herb’s phytochemical help a lot in curing genital warts. The milky sap of dandelion is applied externally to reduce virus prone cell proliferation. This latex type sap is taken from the roots, stems or leaves of the dandelion herb.

How to Use Dandelion to Remove Genital Warts?

• Take a stem or root of dandelion herb
• Break or cut it to take out its sap.
• Apply this sap to your genital warts.
• Do this thrice a day.
• Repeat daily for a week or two.

18. Potatoes Remedy for Genital Warts Removal

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicine talks about potatoes to be used to cure genital warts. Potatoes, as against the popular belief, are very nutritious with a lots of Vitamin C, potassium and even antioxidants in them. It is so simple a remedy and because potatoes are so readily available, there seems no harm in trying this potato remedy for your genital warts too. The enzymes in it might work and remove your warts!

How to Use Potatoes to Remove Genital Warts?

• Take 1-2 potatoes and cut thick slices out of them.
• Rub these potato slices on your genital warts.
• Repeat this several times a day.
• Do it at least for 2 weeks to see if potatoes are making any positive difference in removing genital warts.


Source: RapidHomeRemedies


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