Monday , February 17 2025
Home / Skin Care / DIY Homemade BB Cream – for your skin tone!

DIY Homemade BB Cream – for your skin tone!

Hey 🙂 I have been meaning to do this DIY for a while because lots of people have asked for it, so here it is 🙂 I have some back to school videos coming up later this week for those of you who are looking forward to them 😀
The coolest thing about making homemade bb cream is that you can match it perfectly for your skin tone! But its also awesome not having to buy an extra product when you have all the base products lying around already (you can leave out primer if you dont have it, but obviously if you dont have foundation or moisturiser either maybe its a better option to just buy a bb cream instead of buying a few products to make one product!)
Into the future i will be sharing with you guys natural cosmetics recipes like foundation and moisturiser so when those videos are up you could use them to create a natural bb cream (that doesn’t have any of the nasty chemicals of mainstream beauty products) 🙂

BB Cream Ingredients:
– 2 tsp face moisturiser
– 1/4 tsp sunscreen
– 2 tsp foundation (liquid)
– 1-2 pumps primer
– 1/4 – 1/2 tsp powder (either powder foundation, arrowroot or corn starch)

Just remember that you are so so capable and that anything you want or need you can probably find a way to make yourself 🙂 There are so many benefits to making and doing things yourself such as; saving money, being healthier, using natural alternatives (avoiding nasty chemicals and keeping the environment clean), having personalised things, gaining life fulfilment and satisfaction 🙂

I hope you enjoyed this video ♡
If you want to find my elsewhere here are some of my details:




some FAQ:
how old are you? : 22
Where do you live? : New Zealand
What do you film with: Canon 60d & canon s120
What do you edit on: FCPX
What do you study: Masters in Communication of Science and filmmaking
What do you love most in life: bruce -my chihuahua, my family & bf, animals, sunshine, FOOD, nature, compassion…

This channel hopes to inspire a positive life ♡

“take care of your body, its the only place you have to live”
“life is short, smile while you still have teeth”
“be the change you want to see, in your life and in the world!”

For all business enquiries, please contact:
[email protected]

Stay beautiful, love you guys ♡
Ela xx

Healthy. Happy. Natural. DIY. Inspired. Positive


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