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What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol?

What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol?
What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol?

An Alcoholic is physically addicted to alcohol and cannot stop drinking even if he or she suffers from health problems. Family or job responsibilities may not be able to stop the addiction and alcohol starts to control the life of the person. Detoxification and rehabilitation can help to quit the habit successfully. One should know about the changes that are going to happen when they quit drinking.

Withdrawal Symptoms

When you stop drinking, your body will naturally respond by showing withdrawal symptoms.  The withdrawal symptoms commonly seen are

  • Trembling of hands or body
  • Sweating
  • Craving for alcohol

If the person is a chronic alcoholic, he may experience the following symptoms

  • Confusion or hallucinations
  • Fever
  • Convulsions
  • Depression
  • Insomnia

It is possible to overcome the withdrawal symptoms using appropriate medications.

Craving For Alcohol

When you stop drinking after being alcoholic for a long or a short period, the most difficult thing will be to overcome the cravings. You can get the support of your family to keep away from the alcohol or you can get the help of rehab centers so that you will not return to your habit. It will require significant effort from the person and his family and friends to prevent the relapse of the addiction.  A therapist or counselor will be able to help you if you have failed in your attempt to quit alcohol in the past.

You Will Start Feeling Better

When you stop drinking even for a short duration, you will be able to see the changes happening to your body and mind. Most of the damages caused by alcohol are reversible and you will only get benefitted by quitting the alcohol.

  • You will see that you are able to sleep better
  • Your energy level will be increased
  • You will be able to concentrate better in your work
  • Your liver will be able to function better and will be able to remove the toxins from the body
  • Your pulse rates will become normal
  • Your sexual organs will become sensitive
  • You will become more acceptable socially

You Will Experience Long Term Benefits

Continued use of alcohol can damage vital organs like heart, liver, brain etc. When you quit drinking, your body will start to repair the damages occurred to these organs. Your overall health will increase within months. You will be saving lots of money which you could have spent on alcohol as well as for treating the ailments caused by the excess use of alcohol. You will be able to enjoy a happy life with your family and friends.  Once you are aware of the benefits you are receiving after quitting alcohol, you will be naturally motivated to maintain your sober life.  Though you will be requiring external support to quit the alcohol in the early stages, you will be able to avoid the external support once you are confident that you have the will power to avoid relapse.  Never attempt to drink in moderation, once you quit the habit.


Source: GoHealthTips


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