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“How can I improve my memory?”

"How can I improve my memory?"
“How can I improve my memory?”

My memory and concentration have gone downhill. Is there anything I can do to combat this?

There are several things you can try to boost your memory and concentration.

  • Empty your mind: Although it’s tempting to keep thinking of all the things you have to do, it is more helpful to clear the mind for at least a few minutes every day. Regular meditators swear this makes them more focused. The Dalai Lama once said, “I have a busy day ahead, I must meditate twice as long.”
  • Herbs: There are a number of natural remedies that can help sharpen the mind. Ginkgo biloba has a reputation for treating cerebral insufficiency and we all feel cerebrally insufficient at some point. Other herbs for concentration and memory include brahmi, gotu kola, rosemary and sage.
  • Brain food: The brain relies on a steady flow of blood glucose. Without this brain food symptoms may include poor concentration, fatigue, irritability, hunger, nausea and dizziness. The classic time forlow blood-sugar levels is 3pm to 4pm. Jellybeans will only make things worse. The trick is to keep your blood-glucose levels constant by eating a small meal every two to three hours. Breakfast is particularly important and should include some protein such as an egg or baked beans. Many people drink coffee to keep them alert and that is exactly what it does. A cup or two increases your capacity for intellectual work, decreases drowsiness and promotes a more rapid and clear flow of thought. However, just keep it to a couple of cups a day.
  • Music and the mind: Studies published in the journal Nature showed first-grade students who participated in special music classes saw their reading and maths skills increase dramatically. Music that has a rhythm of 60 to 80 beats a minute is calming and relaxing. Coincidentally (or not) the resting human heart has precisely the same rhythm. Try anything by classical powerhouses Pachelbel, Debussy and Bach.


Source: bodyandSoul


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