We all want to make sure our house, including ourselves are safe when sleeping at night or while on a vacation. Nobody wants to feel unsafe in its own house and wake up and inspect the whole house every time when hearing suspicious sounds. Also, while on a vacation, you ...
Read More »He Puts Two Pieces of Fruit Together, Banana and Kiwi, and Places Them In the Soil. The Result? WOW!
Have you ever heard about growing kiwi inside of a banana? You don’t need to slice the banana and kiwi in the middle, but their ends. Next, you take that piece of a plant and place it in the other, or sort of push them together. This is the moment ...
Read More »How to prevent insomnia
It’s 2am and you’re staring at the ceiling instead of snoozing. Maybe it all started with a simple bathroom call. Yet, here you are with the morning alarm marching closer and no amount of sheep-counting or pillow-thumping is making a bit of difference. Instead, you’re thinking about things such as ...
Read More »How to give blood
Giving blood is one of the most worthwhile things you can do, yet not enough Aussies are doing it. In Australia there are currently 1 in 3 people who need blood, but only 1 in 30 people are donating. Patients require blood for a range a reasons from cancer to ...
Read More »How to be more decisive
Full-fat, skim, almond or soy milk? Friend’s birthday or husband’s work dinner? Job promotion or more time with the family? We’re constantly being asked to choose how to spend our time, our money and our attention. The “plugged-in” nature of modern life only intensifies this – and that’s before you ...
Read More »How to deal with the crappy hand life can throw at you …by a man who knows better than most
Jeremy McGhee was 25 when he was hit by a car in 2001, while riding his motorbike to run errands a few blocks from home. “I remember everything about the accident,” he says. “I worked in trauma [as a lifeguard] so I was sort of self-assessing as it was happening. ...
Read More »How a rocking chair can help you heal
In 1955, former US president John F Kennedy was prescribed a rocking chair by his doctor to alleviate his chronic back pain. JFK found it so effective that he took one on Air Force One, used one at Camp David and also on his family estate.JFK’s doctor was on to ...
Read More »Tips on how to work from home effectively
A one minute commute sounds great but working from home can sometimes mean that you don’t get through your to-do list quite as effectively as you would if you were sitting at a desk in an office. However armed with the right productivity strategies, you’ll be breezing through your work ...
Read More »Need a memory boost? Try repeating out loud
With day-to-day stresses on the up, it’s no surprise that people’s memories are starting to fail – we can’t remember all the things, can we? And while the right amount of sleep, food and exercise can help improve memory, a new study suggests that repeating things out loud can be ...
Read More »How to Increase a Low Platelet Count
Platelets can be defined as those parts of our blood that help the blood clot. They are tiniest among the blood cells, much smaller than red or white blood cells. Platelets are present in large numbers in our body. Millions of platelets work to keep us healthy and fit. Why ...
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